• Coaching for those seeking their best life and a ceremony-informed path forward. 


    Welcome to the next part of your ceremony! As a master plant teacher, Ayahuasca has a divine wisdom and a sequence to her teachings. It is common to have headed out on your ayahuasca journey with a specific purpose, and be given something quite unexpected. It is said that she does not give us what we want, but what we need. Working with an integration coach can help you navigate the unfamiliar place that you may find yourself in after your ceremony, setting you up for lasting transformation.


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    You may have discovered your bliss or connected with the truth of who you really are. You may feel completely motivated to take action and make and make huge changes. You might be looking for support to make it happen.

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    But perhaps you are shaken, disappointed or raw. You may be unsure of what you are supposed to learn or follow through on after your ayahuasca ceremony. You might even be wondering if it was the right decision to even go.

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    It can be especially difficult to be in those feelings but see others having deep healings or breakthroughs. You may even question if you are working with the medicine properly.

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    Or you may have had profound teachings but have not been able to embody them. Being a creature of habit, you may not be able to live fully in your newfound awareness for long. Perhaps you are finding yourself in a cycle of attending ceremonies but back in your old ways soon after.

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    Maybe you have newly connected to difficult feelings you've long suppressed.

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    You may have realized that to honour your self, you have to make difficult choices, or let something go, and you are wondering how to do it.


    Ayahuasca can show us a lush garden with all the fruits of life, but she does not give us the garden. Instead, she gives us seeds. These seeds are an invitation to cultivate the habits and changes needed to embody our higher self in our daily lives. To fully nourish these seeds, we need to ensure the soil is fertile for supporting our growth and not brittle with self-limiting beliefs, nor full of weeds of self-sabotage. Seeds planted in rich soil flourish with little tending.

    Self-Love, Self-Compassion, and Self-Forgiveness

    Connecting with Lost Parts of Yourself

    Breaking Free of Limiting Beliefs

    Living your right to belong

    Self-Nourishing Routines and Rituals

    Rediscovering Play

    Deeper intimacy with loved ones

    Moving into work you love

    (Re) Connecting with your innate creativity


    You will be compassionately held and supported as you uncover the teachings of your journey. My skill set lies in helping you unlock the barriers to the life you deserve, and to help you uncover a true and unwavering vision of yourself in that life.


    My hope is to work in partnership with you to unlock the mysteries gifted to you in ceremony. Through open-hearted conversation, we can explore your inner landscape, leading you to the truth of your wholeness and to let go of what isn't serving you. We can then build the structures, habits, and environment that pave the road and make it easier to travel. As you walk this road toward your higher self, I look forward to supporting you to take manageable and realistic steps.


    I am an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-trained coach with a Master's degree in Education, a musician, a loving spouse, and a father to a beautiful 18-year old daughter who identities as LGBTQ and a fireball of a toddler.


    In my other life, I have 8 years' experience as a ADHD/executive function coach where I have supported many people to foster profound and lasting changes in their lives. It is an honour for me to combine my experience with plant medicine with my professional coaching practice so that I may assist others in living their highest selves. I offer a trauma-informed, open-hearted, gentle approach.


    Integration Coaching is my heartwork. Over many dietas (extended retreats) with Ayahuasca and master plants, I have worked deeply allowing me to transcend many strands of generational trauma. I know what this work is.





    "Richard brings an open, gentle, kindness to our sessions blending an innate EQ with many years of counselling experience that create a soft presence. Richard hears what I am saying much beyond my words. With skillful intuition Richard hones in on the hurdles I truly have been struggling with, offering me a conscious opportunity to identify the adjustments that will serve me best in pursuing change and acceptance in my life. I find that these insights then inform the work I put in between sessions to realize incremental personal growth."

    Eric S

    "Richard’s highly developed coaching ability is infused with compassion, giving me the safety needed to connect to my intuitive guidance. Our work together has been nothing short of transformative for me. His own journey of healing is clearly evident each time he asks the questions I must ask myself, further teaching me perspective, the rewards of persistence and the patience required to feel aligned. I am so grateful to have found a collaborator who understands and embraces all experiences and healing modalities. Richard—you are one in a trillion."

    Jocelyn V.


    To explore the potential of working together, please fill out the form below. I will then contact you to arrange a free 20-minute phone consultation.